
Graduate Students
If you are interested in joining our group as a graduate student, please apply to the Department of Chemistry at Texas A&M. The application deadline for Fall admission is usually around December 1, and applications are handled centrally by the Department. More information on the application process can be found at

If you have any questions about our research group, feel free to contact me directly ( 

Incoming/early first-year graduate students should contact me by email early in the fall term to arrange a one-on-one meeting. If the meeting is done before the start of the fall term, I can also recommend specific courses based on your interests. 

Interested graduate students are welcome to attend our group meetings! They are currently held on Fridays at 2:45 PM Central Time. Please email if you would like the information on how to connect via Zoom.

Postdoctoral Researchers
We do not currently have any current funding to support additional postdoctoral researchers. We have a few pending grant applications that would support a postdoctoral researcher starting in late 2025 if funding comes through. If you are interested in a postdoctoral position, please apply by email to, including your CV, a cover letter, and reference contact information. I am also happy to support and help with applications for externally funded postdoctoral fellowships, including the Beckman Postdoctoral Fellow program (letters of intent due in September) and the NIH F32 Postdoctoral Fellow program (usually due April, August, and December). Please send me an email if you are interested in these opportunities.

Undergraduate Students
Our group is very enthusiastic about getting undergraduates involved in computational research! Our group is open to students from all majors, especially chemistry, physics, engineering, computer science, and math. 

In particular, we are currently seeking students who are interested in constructing new reaction databases that can be used to train new machine-learning models for predicting the outcomes of chemical reactions under extreme conditions.

If you are currently an undergraduate student at Texas A&M and are interested in joining our group (for any of our research areas), please get in touch with me directly by email, attaching a resume and/or your unofficial transcript. No specific coursework is required to do research in our group. I might encourage you to take an accelerated track through your department’s courses that are most relevant to your research in the group. Undergraduates are encouraged to reach out at any time, though if you join the group during certain windows, it is easier to arrange for you to get course credit for your research. 

Several students have joined the group and have been successful without prior coding skills (although, if you have them, great!). If you are enjoying and interested in the science you are doing, then the programming usually doesn’t get in the way after you pick it up. You will almost certainly pick programming up very quickly if you are working on science that you find interesting. I learned nearly all of my programming skills by doing hands-on research as an undergraduate and graduate student. 

We usually have the ability to pay one or more Texas A&M undergraduate researchers in the summer, starting at $15/hr for 20+ hours per week. In general, these positions are usually for students who have a prior semester of taking research for credit in the group.